
What is Bitcoin? how to buy & 2009-2024 growth chart

What is Bitcoin? how to buy & 2009-2024 growth chart known all the things

who is owner of BITCOINS

The owner of BITCOINS is Satoshi Nakamoto.

What is Bitcoin

(BTC) (a virtual currency) Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency designed to act as money and form of payment out side the control of any one person, group,or Brokers. removes all the need for trusted third-party make it safest.


value of 1 BITCOIN in 2009 is $o.oo41 if 1000 rs invested in 2009 the value of BITCOIN know a day is $690 million (2024)

In this article, we will provided information about history of BITCOIN PRICE and Today’s price,news,method to buy and sell in the platforms and how much money you could have if 1000 invested in starting time of BITCOIN.

Benefits of investing in cryptocurrency in starting

There are the various benefit of investing in cryptocurrency ;-

1 Growth of multiple time of Money or investment

In beginning of lunching a cryptocurrency PRICE OF THE COIN IS cheap as per know a day most of the investor miss the opportunity to grab this investment opportunity and some of real time trader or investor take action or buys the BITCOIN in $0.0000014 now a day the are multi time millionaire with selling of only 1 Bitcoin at today rate $ 62,500.20 .

2 Process of buying and selling is very easy

A process of buying and selling the cryptocurrency is much easy of any other coin there are only three steps of this process : select or find cryptocurrency’s exchange platform’s , add or deposit amount on trading account and you initiating the transaction and allowing the amount of as per the quantity of bitcoins’ to buy or sell.

Cryptocurrency Progressives History chart 2009-2024

2011$ 16
2012$ 1116
2013$ 1163
2014$ 13
2015$ 465
2016$ 981
2017$ 19892
2018$ 18343
2019$ 13017
2020$ 29096
2021$ 68789
2022$ 47835
2023$ 42500
2024$ 73750
Cryptocurrency Progressives History chart 2009-2024

Uses of a Bitcoin

Bitcoin is also type of fund or money , assets using of this is weary about the time of the market some one use this is as a deposit or some one using for business also. Bitcoins have a tendency to deposit a large amount of money there are no set of limit of buying or is also easier to carry or hide form of money

News affected the Bitcoins


Bitcoin introduced blockchain technology, secure way to record transactions with transparency of buyer’s and seller’s .which connects early adopters and developers.


As more over learned about Bitcoin and its potential the quotes was famous is (10,000 BTC for two pizzas) and people accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment behind the cash.


Investing in bulk on a Cryptocurrency (BITCOIN) through using INSTITUTIONS fund it get more beneficial for BITCOIN. IN there are several of institutions who are invest a large amount of fund in BITCOINS. and institutions having a potential of hold as a long term investor.

Boom in social Media Coverage and Public reaction.

Now a day it is very easy to boost the product, of all those think through the social media coverage to grab the attention of public or influence the material and it’s very useful for all.

Transection supports BITCOINS

Bitcoin has gave people financial services & support to people in all regions with security to access traditional banking systems. It has provide to participate people in the global economy hub.


fear of missing out (FOMO) has driven more investors to buy Bitcoin, further fueling its growth.

What is Bitcoin? how to buy & 2009-2024 growth chart
Digital generated imaWhat is Bitcoin? how to buy & 2009-2024 growth chart

Prediction of BITCOINS 2024-2030 to 2030-2050

2024-2030: Short term investment

Bitcoin’s divide in 2024 will reduce the block reward from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC. dividend events have led to significant price increases due to reduced supply and continued demand growth. If we saw the historical patterns divided holdings of bitcoins easy to understands increase suddenly in the following 2024-2030 BITCOIN possible to pushing it’s value as all time High.

2030-2050: Short term investment

Coming day’s of 2030-2025 BITCOINS’ get a subtitles as a digital gold and becoming a First priority of investor’s in global economy sector . But due to growing of technology challenges BITCOINS decline with falling price action below $100.000.


In this article, we provide information about BITCOINS in various year specially in 2009to 2024 was highlighted

also discussed how much money you could have if you have invested repees in 10 in BITCOINS in 2009. Which is mind-blowing

overall some information is giving about the price action or market cap.

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